By my surprise, when I was looking for something entirely different online, I came across a fabulous store called MODERN LOLA. I made a purchase for some incredible square cake stands about a couple of weeks ago. I was surprised to hear back from them when they approached me about sending back pictures of what I do with these cake tiers after they had checked out my ditzie cakes website. I was so elated....and that's when I decided to poke around their site a little more. Besides having great baby items....they also carried a few items which I designed!!!! Of course one find is my infamous cupcake pattern on a bib and the other is a cherry pattern. But this cool one ,which I am showing above, is the best find! It's my Menagerie pattern that I did for Robert Kaufman's a couple years back and they are accessorizing a Bugaboo Cameleon Stroller! I love it....and a really love this pattern that I created. I do believe that this is the best usage for this design that I have ever seen for this particular pattern of mine! Thanks MODERN LOLA for carrying great stuff on your site!